Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Set of Board of Officers/Directors Elected

A new set of Board of Officers/Directors was elected for Cebu City Private Schools Administrators' Association (CCPSAA) last November 10, 2006 during the Administrators' Congress held at Southwestern University (SWU), Cebu City, Philippines. The new set of board officers/directors are as follows:

President - Mr. Arturo N. Tangal, President/Director of Harvest Christian School International, Executive Vice President - Dr. Lolita Dormitorio, Principal of Cebu Bradford School, Vice President - Pre-Elementary - Mrs. Ma. Theresa F. Tio, Directress, Childlink Learning Center, Vice President - Elementary - Mrs. Corazon P. Sasing, Principal, USC Basic Education Dept - South campus, Vice President - High School - Dr. Dulzura Alberio, Principal of St. Paul Learning College, Treasurer - Dr. Fe Cuenca, Principal, High School Dept. of University of the Visayas (UV), Secretary - Mrs. Teresita Vano, Principal of Lahug Christian School, Assistant Secretary - Dr. Mary Pluryle Bucol, Principal of Harvest Christian School International , Auditor - Mr. Benito P. Sotto, Principal of Maria Montessori Learning House, PRO - Dr. Nerissa S. Lopez, Principal of Formation School & Kiddies Learning Center,
Board of Directors: Dr. Restituto Gabriel, Principal of Southwestern University (SWU), Dr. Emelita Velayo, Principal of Colegio del Santo Niño, Dr. Alicia Plantar, Principal of Cebu CFI Coop Learning Center, Inc., Mrs. Basilides C. Bandajon, Directress of University of Southern Philippines (USP), Mrs. Elizabeth C. Mabatid, Directress of Academia de Santa Monica
Advisers: Dr. Leonila T. Oliva, Superintendent, Division of Cebu City, Department Education, Mr. Salustiano Jimenez, Supervisor for Private Schools, Division of Cebu City, Department of Education.

The new set of Board Officers/Directors will be inducted on December 8, 2006, 6:00pm-9:00pm at Childlink Learning Center, Englis, V. Rama Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines.

According to Mr. Tangal, involvement of members and member shools in the affairs and activities of the association will be his top priority. Various working committees will be created for this purpose to assist the board officers/directors in the discharge of their functions and responsibilities. The working committees that Mr. Tangal are in mind are as follows: 1. Training and Development, Publications, Grant and Scholarships, Quiz Bowl, Membership, Fellowship, Awards and Recognition, Ways and Means, Legal, Secretariat Administration, Teachers' Convention and Special Events. Under the reign of Mr. Tangal, he wants the activities of the association to be committee lead. The board of officers/directors will just provide direction and supervision to the various committees doing the activities.

To be involved in the various working committees of the association, one is encouraged to call the CCPSAA Secretariat Office at Tel. 232-9608, 231-0208 and look for Mrs. Luz Sauzal, Office Secretary or call the President at his cell no. 09215898232.

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